In the scheme of things, we all want to find solutions to adventures, however, in order to accomplish this we need direction. As this story is more about the antics of those who live in this magical place, it is also about you finding that elusive castle. In order to do that there are some parameters. I will attempt to list some of those parameters here as you seek Luke and the Castle.
For those who have knowledge of coding, this isn't a very sophisticated web site. It is very basic on the surface and is made up of a number of templates using cascading style sheets. I have however excluded the directory from the search parameters that contain the Mystical Castle pages. So, if you do a search of Mystical Castle you may come upon references of it but no directions to it. The reason your search will not come up with directions is simply that all references to the castle will always be indirect, as in passing thought or innocent incidence. In the county everyone talks about the castle but few go there. It is because of the history of disappearances and strange occurrences.
There are a number of things going on in the County and some will lead you in the direction of the castle if you pay attention. There are no clues to uncover because this is simply a process of learning as much about the county as possible, exploring all the cracks and crevices and making your way to the final goal; Mystical Castle. Once at the castle, you can enter and explore. Who knows what you may find.
The technical information will make no sense to those who simply enjoy adventures but have no real coding expertise. But then you don't need any special talents to find Mystical Castle. To those who do have coding experience, you may be able to hack into the pages or view the code but I will tell you the Mystical Castle directories and pages are password protected and that will be one of your goals, to find the passwords. They will be discoverable throughout the county but not obvious.
Nope, I am not going to tell you the goals because I already did.
Be Aware
Things aren't always as they seem. In writing from the imagination alternative time and space sometimes come into view.
Keep your eyes and ears open
Yes, at times you will have the opportunity to listen for clues.
Have fun !!
The artwork and descriptions of this web site were created by me but some templates were created by others and customized to suit this site. If I used or altered a pre written template, credit for that template if known will be at the bottom of each page. I used pre written templates because it was easier for me then spending months developing my own. I also wanted to give this site a very diverse look from section to section and be compatable with all browsers if possible. So in order to give this site a real creative look, I spend most of my effort on the content and graphics rather then developing new templates.
If you don't know what a template is, don't worry about it, just understand some very creative people helped create and inspire the style for this effort and they for the most part offered their work to the general public.
The artwork, pictures of the places and writings in and around Greatkill County and the maps are all my creations. If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. You will find links for that communication everywhere on the site.